This is my first post and I hope I am on topic.
I am an amateur when it comes to Guitar playingguitar player and havehave an old Samick Ls11 electric guitar that has come to its end of life. I will ask separate questions about its current condition, but for now I plan to buy a new one from something like Jackson brand.
Samick is a cheap Strat imitation, and it appears that it has a typical C shaped-shaped neck which is quite comfortable on my thumb.
As per info I have gathered, Jackson Guitars (JS series) seem to have a relatively flatter & thinner neckneck; i.e., the back side where one rests his thumb. Under normal amateur playing, would a flatter and thinner neck cause any kind of strain on the thumb, or is there any difference between playing with C shaped-shaped neck and flatter neck that I should be aware of as an amateur player?
Any further inputs would be great to know. Thanks in advance.