You've discovered one of the tricks that Romantic piano music is based on-- throw layers and layers of dim7 chords one after the other, especially during your flashy crashy-bangy solo sections, and you'll get a dramatic sound that can end up on any key you want.
A fundamental rule in music is that raised tones rise. An augmented F wants to resolve a half-step up: to G#. I'd recommend g# minor, since it's going to be pretty easy to get to B7 and back to e.
One comment as a music teacher: write more NEATLY. Get a thick mechanical pencil (0.5mm is good) with a soft lead.One comment as a music teacher: write more NEATLY. Get a thick mechanical pencil (0.5mm is good) with a soft lead. And frame your page properly, because not doing so shows disrespect to the people whom you would like help from.