I am sketching out a sonata, the first since the disaster of a sonata I wrote about a year ago, and after sketching the Intro and the Coda of the 2nd movement, the intro is in B-flat major (the key signature of the sonata), and the Coda sounds best to me in F sharp major. These keys share no common chords. I tried using a Neapolitan chord to quickly modulate to B major (the 4thIV of fF sharp major) but the modulation seemed so jagged that it interrupted the cheery nature that I was trying to create throughout the entire movement, and was simply out of place surrounded by playful and consonant music. I tried the whole tone scale trick that almost always seems to work, but again, the jagged modulation interrupted the nature of the piece (I am trying to make the 2nd and 3rd movement'smovements as light and enjoyable as possible so I can finish with the destructive/violent finale). I tried using all three augmented 6th chords, but always ended up in the tonic key of F. How do you make these sudden, massive modulations without causing it to become too jagged?