Sorry for my english, but I think that they are asking weather Diana is a contralto profondo, contralto basso or a different type of contralto bc D. Because Diana is still young.. +, and one can have both dramatic and lyric qualities in their voice, to remind the obvious fact -— all pplpeople have bothboth to some extent, but for example: spinto sopranos can have equally strong both qualities. equally strong.
Diana is probably a contralto, but not the lowest version noticetype. Notice that pplpeople confuse countertenors and spinto tenorestenors all the time or call baritenorsbaritenor "tenor singer" just becousebecause during this one specific day and this specific performance he was using tenor technique of singing and expression +.
Also, notice that spinto sopranos often have lower voices and greater/equally big vocal range than many contralto/contertenor singers (especially after menopause/reaching certain age) +and contralto profondos often are able to sing lower notes, but we still name them for what they are, your. Your lowest/heighesthighest note alone doesntdoesn't tell you too much about your voice type, since Diana isn't even able to hit the lowest notes for lowesta contralto, she might be at most c.contralto profundo or higher contralto voice.
Her voice might change in many directions. For example my own voice was lower when I was her age, but after taking certain meds that lower muscle tension many qualities of my voice disapeared bcdisappeared because of side effects and too big dosage.When When my lowest note was e2E2, I was told that my lowest comfortably sang note will be c2C2 in the near future, then after meds and other changes in life my current lowest comfortably sang note is c3C3. I can create lower sounds when I speak or by an accident but I don't do that in public, it sounds broken.
Later I was surprised to learn that my voice also went higher. My highest note was c7C7 and I couldn't sing higher than that since my early teens. I don't have too much control over it right now but since my muscles went temporarlytemporary weaker over night and I had to train them from the beginning my voice went significantly higher.