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Timeline for Ways to get out of a scalar rut?

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Mar 19, 2011 at 13:55 comment added Anonymous Take a song like Stepping Out (Beano album). Listen to it a few times and take a walk/drive. In my head I hear how I would like to be playing it - we all do this. However, when we pick up the guitar after that we need to "rehear" what we just played in our head! Usually, this gets lost in translation. When playing it in your head, make it better than the original... think how to knock their socks off with feeling! When the crowd gets chills down their back, you've hit the target :)
Mar 19, 2011 at 3:43 comment added InternalConspiracy what types of things do you do? I know it can be hard to verbalize feeling, but if you have some concrete examples of what you did differently that would be great.
Mar 19, 2011 at 2:31 comment added Anonymous True. But it took me 30+ years to use my ear when playing something back to myself on guitar; instead I was always concentrating on the geography of the neck. Since I made that paradigm switch about 2 years ago, my playing ability has gone to another level. It was a subtle but powerful lesson... and it was Clapton's quote that clued me into it...
Mar 19, 2011 at 1:33 comment added InternalConspiracy agreed to a point. I need to arps and scales so I can TRANSLATE what I hear in my head, to notes. I am not one to play within the rules at all..but I like to have them as a guideline. There's a lot of experience behind that too. Having the years that I do, I CAN take a simple lick and make it sound better just by doing something subtle to it a beginner would never know to do.
Mar 18, 2011 at 22:26 history answered IrishChieftain CC BY-SA 2.5