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removed wikifonia. Changed Musescore link to go direct to the Sheet music portal, as they offer a bunch of other stuff besides for it. added more info as per musescore
Source Link

try these: RIP. they were unable to extend their licence.

[]( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): thisthe community site of the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has overa decent selection -over 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available inas a Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

try these:

[]( : this free open source WYSIWYG score editor has over 10,000 pieces available in Musescore format, .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

try these: RIP. they were unable to extend their licence.

[]( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): the community site of the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has a decent selection -over 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available as a Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

Changed Musescore link to go direct to the Sheet music portal, as they offer a bunch of other stuff besides for it. added more info as per musescore
Source Link
Doktor Mayhem
  • 37k
  • 9
  • 69
  • 159

try these:

[]( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): the community site of thethis free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has a decent selection -overover 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available as ain Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

try these:

[]( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): the community site of the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has a decent selection -over 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available as a Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

try these:

[]( : this free open source WYSIWYG score editor has over 10,000 pieces available in Musescore format, .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

Changed Musescore link to go direct to the Sheet music portal, as they offer a bunch of other stuff besides for it. added more info as per musescore
Source Link

try these: []( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): the community site of the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has a decent selection -over 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available as a Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

try these:

[]( "Makers of open the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore""): the community site of the free open source WYSIWYG score editor "Musescore" has a decent selection -over 10,000 pieces-, and they are all available as a Musescore format file (meaning you can edit every tiny bit of the score to your liking), besides for .PDF, .Xml, .Midi and usually a .Mp3 format.

Source Link
  • 101
  • 1
Post Made Community Wiki by harish