I started teaching myself piano and am currently trying to learn "Carlos Gardell - Por Una Cabeza" (https://www.8notes.com/scores/18093.asp). I'm advancing fine, however there are two notes in the piece that just sound off:
First picture: I interpret this note as: C sharp + B flat + F sharp + D. When I play it, it just doesn't sound quite like in the real piece.
Second picture: This one is B flat for me. However, it doesn't sound good when I play it, it sounds off.
Do I interpret the notes correctly? Might it only sound off because I haven't managed to play the song with a good speed yet? The rest of the notes sound very nice when I play them. I am playing on a Yahama E413 and have the mode "Grand Piano" selected.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the bass cleff has to sharps on the first one:
Is it still, as you replied, C natural? Or ist it C sharp in this case?
Here is the entire piece, up to the point that I am struggling with:
That's how I understood it now from all the comments: The two sharp signs next to the bass clef determine that all Cs and Fs in the same line are played sharp. However, in the chord that I am struggling with, the first C has a natural sign, which determines, if not indicated otherwise in the next C of the same chord by a flat or sharp sign, that all other Cs in the same chord will be played natural as well.