I've noticed in my life that science has formulas and definitions to describe just about everything there is to know about the process of learning and it almost seems like magic when we can make sense of that process. However, we seem to lose sight of the fact that most of those definitions and formulas were arrived at very often by experimentation and sometimes by accident. Ironically, these are often the same way all of us learn all the lessons in life, we experiment and fail over and over again, until that first time when we don't fail. Then we try to repeat what we did and improve on it until we've got something of value to present. This doesn't have to be done in public, we can work ourselves in private until we feel confident enough to show others. It involves listening and experimenting, practicing and perfecting, and knowing when we're ready to present. All that and of course to willingness to pick ourselves up again and keep on trying in the event that we fail. Failure teaches us valuable lessons. If this student wishes to go in this direction which is much more exciting and dangerous, she can choose to but the choice needs to be hers to make for herself.