This link has a lot of cello related measurements. How can we calculated the string scale length of hypothetical 9/8 and 5/4 size cellos?

CELLO mm. 1/2 3/4 7/8 4/4 9/8 5/4
string length 602 637 672 695 ? ?
  • 2
    Um, why? Just as a thought experiment? Or because you're contemplating an unusually-sized instrument, like these? Maybe the question then should be about ideal string lengths for a given body volume. Note, the names "half size, 3/4 size" have no relationship to the actual ratios; they're just colloquial labels. Note also, there can be a lot of variation; two "3/4" instruments could vary by several mm of body length, and of course sounding string length is determined by bridge placement. Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 15:52
  • 1
    @AndyBonner Thanks for introducing me to the Octet Baritone Violin! I am contemplating an unusually sized instrument as a tall person looking for better cello posture - though I will try an XL endpin first.
    – M.Viking
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 17:39
  • That does seem like Occam's Razor. Note, there are ideal proportions between pitch, string length, and body volume (e.g., a viola would be more resonant if it were more like a mini-cello). I'm not sure how close the standard cello gets to that ideal, but messing with the proportions might alter the response. Also, obviously, the finger spacing will be wider; every time a kid moves up a size there's a significant adjustment to get used to. Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 17:44
  • "as a tall person looking for better cello posture": I presume you've tried changing the height of your seat, but if you haven't, you should.
    – phoog
    Commented Jan 27, 2023 at 11:48

1 Answer 1


There is no definitive answer to that, because neither is a standard. But if we look at the numbers we see that except for 3/4 all of them lie nearly perfectly on a line:


This would allow us to extrapolate linearly for 9/8 at 718mm and 5/4 at 741mm

  • Now I would like to correlate the dimensions of the cellos with the height of the players typically using them, and extrapolate the heights of the players of the hypothetical 5/4 & 9/8 cello.
    – Theodore
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 21:59
  • I think this is a reasonable answer, but I want to point out that three points lining up like that only really requires one of the middle points to line up... You can always draw a line through the first and last. So I don't want to ignore the one 'outlier' here... But then again, I don't know what to do with that point, since you could use it to argue that the extrapolated sizes should be slightly bigger or smaller... (I probably don't have a good point, I just think your wording made it sound more serendipitous than it actually is.)
    – Edward
    Commented Jan 28, 2023 at 1:06

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