Soo I'm learning vibrato and I can do riff and runs but sometimes had bad separation.. I'm thinking that maybe somehow learning vibrato will help me but will it actually and how?
I'm learning from this website:
"It is not by chance that most singers who can riff like that have great, fast vibrato (i.e. pulsation vibrato).
The connection between the two lies in the movement of the larynx.
Unlike the laryngeal vibrato, in which there’s a mild change of pitch, the pulsation vibrato has a different larynx movement that slightly “shakes” the same note.
It is this movement that creates the grid.
for more information about the different types of vibrato click here."
I'm learning vibrato now.. And thankfully successed to sing with natural, unconscious vibrato by holding long notes using diapraghmatic breath.. The problem is, when I sing riff and runs the same way I did my vibrato, the vocal runs just rather than being better but actually worse (it slides too much, messy, no separation of the notes) than what I usually do with my vocal runs before (I articulate using my diapraghm just like what you do with a legato/staccato but in the middle of it; in other words, delineation or the middle of a legato and staccato, not too choppy and not too connected) Am I doing something wrong or does natural vibrato actually doesn't help anything at all when it comes to runs?