I am trying to print all the accidentals within a staff (or within the score, both would work) while engraving with Lilypond. Currently, it's because I'm engraving 80+ bar, multi-staff unmetered music with a lot of accidentals, and the original partition shows all the accidentals. I know I can add !
to force it, but I don't want to do it manually for all the accidentals. Is there a way to do so ?
1 Answer
Lilypond has several options to automatically display accidentals. I'm not sure which one suits you best, but perhaps one of these:
This rule is intended for students, and makes it easy to create scale sheets with automatically created cautionary accidentals. Accidentals are printed like with
, but cautionary accidentals are added for all sharp or flat tones specified by the key signature, except if the note is immediately repeated.
This is the opposite of
: Accidentals are not remembered at all – and hence all accidentals are typeset relative to the key signature, regardless of what came before in the music.