Hi guys! Just wondering if I've done this properly.
We are newly in Csharp minor from the relative major E major, and we need to finish in the home key- F sharp minor. As it stands, I have written the ending as a half cadence in F sharp minor.
The bar begins in C sharp minor, with chord i7, then to chord iv, then to chord i in second inversion (my pivot chord to Fsharp minor), followed by the same chord with a flat 7, which is how I end the piece (V7 in F sharp minor).
I am not sure this makes sense? I am not sure I am using second inversion chords in the right way. I tried to substitute the second one (labelled 643) with a chord Va (in C sharp minor) to have as my pivot, however this would contain a D sharp and a B sharp- both of which are not in F sharp minor.
Any help gratefully received as usual!