I downloaded and retuned Night Walk from Rhythm Tengoku from 12edo to 19edo, along with some tweaks (correction of key signatures, and correction of range of the glockenspiel)
The original piece goes from C Major to D♭ Major, then to D Major, and then to E♭ Major.
When I retuned those to 19edo, it didn't sound too different. The chords sounded like slightly different quality, but not too much.
Since C♯ and D♭ are different notes in 19edo, I tried interpolating between C Major part and D♭ Major part with C♯ Major. And that's where it sounded so exotic. I won't say it's horrible though.
What's the reason? You can listen to the modified version here. (WARNING: tuning doesn't work in mobile version of Musescore.)