It's a bend - upwards. Not so prevalent these days, as it doesn't tell how much of a bend to use. But given the semis that are displayed (a good move, as a lot of tab doesn't reveal timing), it's going to be quite a quick slurp on that note, before playing the next.
EDIT: it is actually an old symbol for bend, but looking at the dots underneath reveals no number for the following semiquaver. Which, I guess, means that note isn't played again. So, no need for a tie, although an indication of how much bend would be useful. Instead, bend up, let down. However, in my defence, there really ought to be a tie (or slur...) marked on those dots underneath, making it far more clear! So much clearer with 'proper' dots accompanying the tab, though.
RE-EDIT - now, having listened to both the tutorial, and more importantly, the original, it's obviously not a bend. It's simply a tie, across the beat. However, that's just not reflected in the dots shown below, which now are deemed (by me) to be inaccurate. And, a tie sign could have been used (for both), which would have made the question redundant!