I'm typesetting a hymn. For this particular project, it has the following requirements

  • Every hymn must start on a new page. (Not strethced/spaced out, short hymn scores to sit at the top normally).
  • If the hymn overflows to the following page (1 or 2 line of music), leave that line of music sits at the top of the page, and start a new hymn on a new page.
  • Cannot have 2 short hymns on 1 page.

How should I tell Lilypond to do this?

When I tried placing manual \pageBreak as such;

% Include songs from here ----------------------------------------------------------
\include "psalm1.ly"

\include "psalm2.ly"

\include "psalm3.ly"

This gives me the following. Too spaced out.

enter image description here

For The second hymn, it has an overflow 1 music line. But it became too spaced out too! The requirement is to condense the score and leave the hanging 1 extra line music there, and start on a new page.

enter image description here

I feel \pageBreak is not what I am looking for here.

Can someone help me with my typesetting requirements?

  • 1
    If you want to keep the systems near the top of the page and not stretched over the page, you can add \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t }. Commented Feb 19 at 22:14

1 Answer 1


If you do not want stretching at all setting the variable

\paper {
  ragged-bottom = ##t

would do the trick. Else you can use \bookpart { ... } for this.

  • Thanks. ragged-bottom = ##t was exactly what I needed. This works well. As for \bookPart, I haven't figured out know how to use it yet. I tried \bookPart { \include "psalm1.ly"}, and whole psalm 1 dissapeared from the final output.
    – ikel
    Commented Feb 20 at 0:40

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