Problem: The segno appears between the staff and the chord-names, pushing the chord names up, which makes them hard to read:

Measure of music with a segno above the staff, and chord symbols above the segno.

I'd like to have the segno appear above the chord names (so that the chord names remain close to the staff). Putting the \segno into the ChordNames context doesn't produce any mark. ChordNames contexts also don't seem to like \markup either (so I can't try the recipes from the documentation).

Code for attached image:

  \new ChordNames \chordmode{
    f4. ~ f4 bes8 f2. 
  \new Staff {
    \clef "bass"
    \key f \major
    \time 12/8
    f2.\segno f4. f8 c a

2 Answers 2



\time 12/8
f2.\segno f4. ...


\time 12/8
s1*0 \mark \markup{   \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" } 
f2.\segno f4. ...

works. Somehow making the symbol a markup attached to a zero-duration note allows the renderer to push it to the side. However, some think that the s1*0 construct is bad form.


Since LilyPond version 2.23, there’s been a repeat structure specifically for da capo, dal segno, alla coda, al fine, etc.: \repeat segno N {…}.

It works somewhat like the \repeat volta N {…} structure, and prints the various repeat symbols automatically. The segno symbol is placed above the chord names by default.

Details can be found on this page of the documentation: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/long-repeats#segno-repeat-structure


\version "2.24.1"

\score {
        \new ChordNames {
            \chordmode {
                R1. |
                \repeat segno 2 {
                    f4. ~ f4 bes8 f2. |
        \new Staff {
            \clef "bass"
            \key f \major
            \time 12/8
                R1. |
                \repeat segno 2 {
                    f2. f4. f8 c a |

NB: I’ve put in a rest for the first measure so that it produces a dal segno, rather than a da capo repeat.


Rendering of the above code, showing segno mark above chord symbols.

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