here's the deal: although I have no former professional training in music, I still enjoy singing and playing the guitar. I am by no means unbelievably talented when it comes to singing, but I'd say that through practice I have managed to improve my singing skills a little bit (I have more control over my voice: it doesn't shake anymore, i can reach higher and lower notes than before, less off key notes etc) yet all the progress I've made is in vain because of how my voice sound in general (my vocal timbre?? i don't know if that's how you call it, english is not my mother tongue). So, I'm a 17 year old girl, but I still sound like an annoying 12 year old boy, and it's just ruining me. If I struggle a little bit, I can sound like a 7 year old adorable child. Yet, it seems impossible for me to gain a more feminine and beautiful voice. It's horrible. I hate myself for it.
So, my question is: will my voice ever change?