I have a riff I've composed using the following power cords notes (here is what is sounds on piano https://soundcloud.com/tomasz-jasku-a-133883769/keyboardforsolo-rzczywistosc) :
Time 1 & 2: C#, A#, D#, B, F, C
Time 3: E, C#, F#, D, G#, D#
Time 4: F#, D#, G# E, C#, F, C
I was trying to figure out what is the key, what are the chords progression so I could build some arpeggios on top of it.
While the riff sounds ok, it seems that notes are not matching fully standard scales. My guess was the the whole is in A# key but it could be as well that each time has it's own key ?
about chord progressions I was trying to figure out by "ear" and the following seems to be ok
Time 1: A#min
Time 2: C#M,
Time 3: Cdim,
Time 4: Bdim
What do you think about, key, scale and chords ?
EDIT I've added the actual tune here https://soundcloud.com/tomasz-jasku-a-133883769/keyboardforsolo-rzczywistosc
as a "key", thenF C
would contrast strongly being a tritone away fromB