I have a couple of questions related to corner cases in fingering:
- How do you play Gmaj9 in RH when it is inversion F♯, A, B, D? Thumb on the (black) F♯ and the rest line up? Another alternative is thumb on A, and 2 stretching over onto F♯, or is such fingering always a no-no?
- Let’s say you’ve stricken a melody tone and chord using RH 1, 2 and 5. But now — oops — you realise the melody continues upwards, but you’ve already used your 5th finger. I see two options: reposition the hand (but that is slow and involves an interruption); or walk using the 4th finger over the 5th. Is the latter an ugly no-no? (Placing fingers over thumb.) It can also be done with the 3rd finger. If I recall correctly, I’ve seen Aimee Nolte do this in one of her videos (YouTube). How do you resolve this? To me, fingering often involves these oops-moments.
- Sometimes when I realise the fingering is wrong, I repair it by “switching fingers in place”. For instance, I’ve used 1st finger but realise it should 2, so I put 2 next to the 1st on the same tangent, and then lift the 1st, hence seamlessly freeing the finger. Is such a solution a no-no, or maybe even correct practice in some cases? (For instance question 2 above can be solved by placing 4 in 5th place, hence freeing up the 5.)
If you know of any particular resource that discuss general approaches (not scales) for fingering strategies, let me know.