The nub of the question is: why are there pedalling discrepancies that most performers I listen to follow identically, but are almost universally not listed in any variations of scores and how could I come to the same conclusions myself when just looking at a score like this? I feel the sheet music isn't telling the whole story and I don't know what I'm missing...
Here's a little more detail. I definitely understand pedalling is fairly subjective, but I don't think I've ever seen it performed so consistently differently from what is written. Instances:
All the scores at imslp for the first page show that pedalling stops half way through through the phrase, but when watching performances they all continue a "pedal-release" for distinct chords in the left hand for the entire duration of the fast right hand scales. (See image example)
I think I heard most performers pedal for the duration of these two parts as well, but pedalling is not indicated on the sheet music at all. (See image example)
Performers examples:
- Josh Wirgh (most obvious example with a view of the pedals)
- Evgeny Kissin
- Rousseau
- Others too!