Along the top of the circuit board of my bass are three small, black rectangular switches. It's an active bass, meaning it contains a 9V block battery in another, smaller compartment (that's where the black/red cables on the right come from). There aren't any marks on the switches except the tiny letters "MKK" on each one (hard to read, not sure if I got it right, if I had to guess I'd say it looks like a brand name).
The rightmost switch seems to turn the sound on and off completely, as in the off position the bass doesn't output any audible sound. The other two seem to only increase/decrease the volume by a little bit (might affect tone, but I didn't notice much difference except the slight volume change). When the first switch is off, the other two have no noticeable effect at all (bass still doesn't output any sound).
What are these switches called, if anything, and what are they for?