I am a guitar student. I have this problem trying to play over backing track.
For example, when playing over a backing track, I will play the 4 notes of a preferred scale on first and second strings, just jumping around the 4 notes, adding some meaningless bends/vibrato and that is it. But I see other students just play at their own will 'freedom'. Seems they have endless inspiration and ideas.
My teacher can tell I am stressed because I skipped lessons here and there. My teacher will always play a backing track and tell me to solo. I can't begin.
Well, he is not wrong. I skipped my lesson again last week on the reason of trying to give myself more time to practise and come out with some basic licks. But I still can't and I procrastinate due to the stress.
I understand my guitar lessons and my teacher even sat me down privately to 'console' me and tell me he had the same problem like me when he first started out improvising. I really appreciate that.
But I still get stuck in my problem of trying to play over a backing track.
What is wrong with me ?