I have started purchasing effects pedals. The three I have so far allow the use of batteries. They are Boss Loop Station RC3, VD400 Vintage Analog Delay and tc electronic Nether.
Two are switched on by inserting a jack into the input socket of said pedals. The Boss Loop Station is switched on by inserting a jack into the output socket.
This makes perfect sense to me for two pedals that are mounted on a board where the looper is last in the chain. At the end of a gig, the guitar lead would be unplugged from the input of the effect pedal and the amp lead would be unplugged from the output of the looper thus preserving the batteries.
What doesn't make sense to me is if I have a chain of such effects that are powered by batteries, it means that I would have to unplug all the intermediate effects from one-another in order to switch them off in order to save the batteries. What a chore!
If the pedals have True Bypass, is there a technical reason why they can't just switch off the pedal altogether by using the foot-switch? Why tie this function to the jack socket?
If there is a technical reason and I have a series of effects pedals, each powered by battery, do I have to unplug all the intermediate ones in order to avoid draining the batteries. If so, does it make sense to ever use batteries in the first place?