I have perfect pitch (I can identify the note name of a given pitch in 12-tone equal temperament like a note on a piano), but often I cannot tell how far off is a note from the quantifications in 12TET when it is not significantly (more than a quarter tone) different, especially when tuning. It seems like I can be carried away from the quantification grid of 12TET temporarily, and I think it is because the quantification grid of 12TET has wide gaps so my brain tries to adjust notes I hear and put it on the grid. However, my primary instrument is piano so my focus is not on tuning instruments, although it would be a clear benefit for this scenario.
I suppose that training my brain to recognize pitches of microtonal tuning (like 24-tone TET or something similar) will mitigate this problem, but what other scenarios can a more refined tuning system (i.e. a tuning system with more divisions between an octave) for perfect pitch (i.e. be able to hear a pitch and associate it with one of the tones in that tuning system) be helpful?