I have been analysing intervals to look at the frequency difference between harmonics.
Before my analysis I was under the impression that harmonics for 'consonant' sounding intervals contained more harmonics that lined up - as is the case with the octave.
I analysed the tritone and as expected many of the harmonics fall close to each other causing interference and 'dissonance'.
Now I am looking at the perfect fifth (C3-G3 in this case). I was expecting some harmonics to be shared between these notes. Instead it seems that some almost line up but to not exactly.
For example the third harmonic of C (392.438) and the second harmonic of G2 (391.995) - a difference of .44. It is my understanding that this would create interference between these partials every 2.27 seconds.
I have tried recording guitar and bass playing this interval if i isolate this area I think I can hear some interference however i can't tell.
Is this correct? Is this small amount of beating between these partials just adding to the character of this interval?
Thank you!