I am 14 years old and want to become a singer.
I have seen that most female singers can usually hit these amazing high notes with no problem whatsoever. Like, for example, Hasley can do somewhat high notes, and you can actually hear that she is doing it effortlessly. I have even seen that some male singers can hit the high notes that I can't, which is really embarrassing for me. But I feel that with my super small vocal range, I just can't.
The lowest note I can do is an F3 with a lot of force, and my highest is probably a B4. I have tried so many exercises, but I have no voice coach because money is tight. So I need to try to teach myself, but I find YouTube videos useless – I do what they tell me for weeks and months, and it's the same, I strain so much. I need help getting better at singing higher notes without sounding like I'm a dying sheep because my strains are so big, and I really don't like them!