For a piece in a minor key, do we raise all 7th and 6th-degree notes by a half step (with respect to having only the key signature)? I know that for harmonic minor scales only the 7th-degree notes are raised while for melodic minor scales both 6th and 7th-degree notes are raised compared to natural minor scales, so I am asking with regard to pieces in a minor scale.
In other words, which of the following is/are true, or it depends on the composer?
- ALL 7th-degree notes raised by a half step
- SOME 7th-degree notes raised by a half step
- ALL 6th-degree notes raised by a half step
- SOME 6th-degree notes raised by a half step
- ALL 7th AND 6th-degree notes raised by a half step
- SOME 7th or 6th-degree notes raised by a half step