I noticed a pattern that I would love to have a name for:
The second to last note in the melody of a phrase occurs together with a chord. The melody note is held, but the chord changes. Now the melody's note and the chord can be heard together, and resolve to the final harmony.
I don't have a program to write musical notes available right now, but here are two examples:
0:45 - 0:53:
.01:20 - 01:26
On Wikipedia, I found the term "suspension" for something similar. It says
A suspension (SUS) occurs when the harmony shifts from one chord to another, but one or more notes of the first chord (the preparation) are either temporarily held over into or are played again against the second chord (against which they are nonchord tones called the suspension) before resolving downwards to a chord tone by step (the resolution).
However, in my question, the second chord is actually in harmony with the note being played. Is there a name of that?