My Line6 G10 juts into my stomach due to the angle of my guitar's output jack, making it very uncomfortable to play. I can turn it the other direction, but...
...the molding of the guitar there keeps it literally a 1/4" short of fully inserting. Notice also there's a tiny metal button at the base of the Line6 G10—that has to be depressed in order for the unit to be on.
I'm having no luck finding 1/4" to 1/4" male-female adapters (similar to 1/4" to 1/8" headphone adapters), which makes sense. Why on Earth would anyone need that.
I thought I'd settle for a patch cable, just looping it around my strap, but I also can't find a short male-female patch cable! Again, I think my application is far too limited.
I tried L-joints. After the right angle they still jut into my side.
Aside from 2x adapters or a patch cable plus and adapter (which keep making the aesthetics worse and worse), can anyone think of solution or know of a product that can help me?