I'm a self-taught singer who would like to ask about lyrical contralto vs dramatic mezzo-soprano.
The range of my voice is from F3 - F5. On the upper end, I can sing up to C5 quite comfortably. (I've also hit A5, although it was very difficult for me.)
On the lower end, I can go all the way down to F3 (I can sing down to D3 or E3 with a little bit more difficulty).
I am not too sure where my mixed voice starts or ends; I believe I can sing with my chest voice up to D4-E4, and at C5, I use my head voice (maybe with a little bit of chest voice mixed in?)
And I was wondering what my fach would be. I apologize for the terrible recording: I recorded this after having a meal, and this recording may not accurately represent my range, but here's the sample:
Thank you for reading! I wish you a wonderful day :)