I am working through the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 4 book. I appear to have found an unanswerable question, unless I have misunderstood something. It's Section 7, Exercise 3, question k, on page 49 of the book.
Section 7 is about the tonic (I), subdominant (IV) and dominant (V) triads of the different keys. Exercise 3 has the reader identifying the key (including major or minor), given one or more of those triads.
Question k gives only the V triad. It is A, C#, E
. So it must be a D key. If it's D major, then the C should be sharped, and it is. If it's D minor, then the 7th should be raised a semitone, which makes the C a C#, which it is.
Am I missing something, or is the V triad of D major the same as the V triad of D minor?