In my studio setup, I have a Yamaha P-115 digital piano and a M-Audio CTRL49 keyboard controller. Both are bulky, therefore I have one out at a time only. I use Bitwig under Windows as my audio workstation.
The digital piano is convenient to record ideas when I "hit the walls" of the 49 keys. But it has a problem. When I strike the keys as hard as I can on it, the recorded velocity is really weak. Significantly weaker than if I press the M-Audio keys with a reasonable force. I tried changing the curves from the keyboard using the available settings from the manual; this did not help at all.
Pushing up the track volume can be a makeshift solution but not viable in the long run, especially with instruments that have varying timbres depending on velocity.
The other solution would be to put a "velocity boost" on the software side. Something that would remap the velocity ranges from the input. The following possibilities came to my mind:
Adding a Note Velocity effect before the instrument in every track. It helps a bit, but I need to disable it in all tracks when I switch to the other controller for mixing and arranging.
Writing an input script from scratch that boosts note velocities before sending them to the workstation. Still requires some learning.
Would you have another possible solution? The ideal would be to have the velocity boost set up per MIDI controller rather than per track.