I'm very confused when choosing modes to solo over my chord progressions. I've read that the Lydian scale is often used over underlying Major or Major 7th chords, to cut down on the natural clashing between the (M3) & (P4) degrees that lie a half-step apart.
So, my understanding is that when soloing over a (CMaj7) chord in this example, that choosing (C Lydian) would be best.
But, my confusion lies in the fact that now, the (#4) creates just as much clashing with the 5th scale degree chord tone, as the (4) would have over the (3).
CMaj7: (C - E - G - B)
C Ionian: (C - D - E - F - G - A - B)-> (F) in the solo clashes with chord tone (E)
C Lydian: (C - D - E - F# - G - A - B)-> (F#) in the solo clashes with chord tone (G)??
How does choosing Lydian help at all? Do chords that have Lydian playing over the top of them not include the (5) or something?