In LilyPond (ver. 2.18.2), I'm notating some Ligeti (as a challenge, mostly). When writing out a snippet of his Étude En Suspens, mm. 18-21, there's a passage with different keys between the bottom and top staff (bottom in C major at bar 18, top in D♭ major). Three measures later, they swap keys (bottom in D♭, top in C).

Question: How can I get LilyPond to keep both staves' key signatures aligned?

Screenshot of PDF created by LilyPond: Étude en Suspens, MM.18-21

LilyPond Code

\version "2.18.2"
\include "english.ly"
\include "articulate.ly"

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

  title = "Étude En Suspens"
  composer = "György Ligeti (1923-2006)"
  tagline = ##f

    \new PianoStaff
        \new Staff = "upper-staff"
          \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
          \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
          \relative c''
            \clef treble
            \time 6/4
            \key df \major
            f4^>_\pp( ef df bf2) 
                s4 |
                s4*4 f'4^>(\< ef | \stemDown
                <df af'>4 <f gf> <af, bf'>4\p <bf af'>2.)_\pp \stemNeutral
                <f' gf>4^>( |
                ef4 df bf af gf2) |

            \key c \major
            <b' c>4^>( a g e2) <g d'>4^>

        \new Staff = "lower-staff"
          \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
          \relative c''
            \clef treble
            \time 6/4
            \key c \major
            e4.^>_\pp( d4. c4. b4. |
              \shape #'( (0 . -2) (0 . 1) (0 . 0) (0 . -1)) Slur
              <b c>4.(\< <g a'>4.\p |
            d'2.\> <a e'>2.)\pp |

            \key df \major
            <gf af>4.->( gf4. f4. ef4.)


1 Answer 1


The naturals are printed by a KeyCancellation object, while the flats are a KeySignature. When LilyPond wants to align prefatory matter (like time signatures, clefs, key signatures, etc.), it looks up the break-align-symbol property on each grob (graphical object), and groups grobs according to values of this property. The default is key-cancellation for KeyCancellation and key-signature for KeySignature. By setting the break-align-symbol of KeyCancellation to be the same as that for KeySignature, you can achieve your desired alignment.

\override Staff.KeyCancellation.break-align-symbol = #'key-signature

In the code below, I have also made some simplifications:

  • The modern way to spell \include "english.ly" is \language english;
  • #(set-global-staff-size 20) is useless, since that is the default;
  • \override Something.stencil = ##f can be shortened as \omit Something.
\version "2.22.2"

\language english

\include "articulate.ly"

  title = "Étude En Suspens"
  composer = "György Ligeti (1923-2006)"
  tagline = ##f

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upper-staff"
    \omit Staff.TimeSignature
    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
    \relative c'' {
      \clef treble
      \time 6/4
      \once \override Staff.KeyCancellation.break-align-symbol = #'key-signature
      \key df \major
      f4^>_\pp( ef df bf2) 
          s4 |
          s4*4 f'4^>(\< ef | \stemDown
          <df af'>4 <f gf> <af, bf'>4\p <bf af'>2.)_\pp \stemNeutral
          <f' gf>4^>( |
          ef4 df bf af gf2) |

      \key c \major
      <b' c>4^>( a g e2) <g d'>4^>

  \new Staff = "lower-staff" {
    \omit Staff.TimeSignature
    \relative c''
      \clef treble
      \time 6/4
      \key c \major
      e4.^>_\pp( d4. c4. b4. |
        \shape #'( (0 . -2) (0 . 1) (0 . 0) (0 . -1)) Slur
        <b c>4.(\< <g a'>4.\p |
      d'2.\> <a e'>2.)\pp |

      \key df \major
      <gf af>4.->( gf4. f4. ef4.)

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