I teach a beginner band program. I'm a brass player myself, although I can play most of the band instruments with a fair degree of success. When beginner clarinet players start to learn B/C/C#, or the lower end equivalents E/F/F#, they have a hard time remembering which keys are for which notes. Do any clarinet experts have any clever mnemonics to share that might aid young players?
The same question could apply to any woodwind - even more so to oboe and especially bassoon. I don’t know any mnemonics for any instrument, but I did learn keys on all four major winds incrementally based on scales. For example, on clarinet I learned only the E/B and F/C keys first to play C major scales. As I added other keys, I didn’t need mnemonics because I learned them more or less one at a time. I feel like E/B and C/F are the biggest and easiest to reach keys. If they practice their C scales with a fingering chart for 1-2 weeks they should get it, IMHO– Todd WilcoxCommented May 20, 2023 at 5:31
Huh, I recall those clarinet keys actually being quite intuitive to learn. If my memory hasn't failed me, the lower the key, the lower the note.– DekkadeciCommented May 20, 2023 at 6:10
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Not a mnemonic, but it helps to think of the two upper RH keys and the two inside LH keys as the main ones:
Then they go L-R-L-R for (lower octave) E-F-F#-G#.
Once pupils have learned that, then you can add the alternative keys (with the optional LH G# key if they have it):
and play the same notes E-F-F#(-G#) as R-L-R(-L)
I don't remember being taught that one set was primary and one was secondary - you have to always be ready to use either one (except for Ab/Eb) depending on how you get there. And never assume that the left-hand Ab/Eb is available, especially on beginner instruments. Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 16:09