Preamble: I read music to only a very basic level. As a small project to combine my (amateur) singing hobby with my (also amateur) interest in coding, I am trying to use Lilypond to reproduce as closely as possible the existing score of one of the songs we are currently learning, namely an arrangement of "Let the river run" (pdf available here). Another reason for using Lilypond is that I'm familiar with TeX and its derivatives so this approach appeals to me.
Through this project I hope to learn about musical theory and notation in a gentle and unstructured fashion. Obviously, if the goal were to learn as much as possible in as short a time as possible I would take a course, but that is not the aim.
I have hit a problem whereby staves are being hidden during the staggered start. For the first bar only the basses are singing, joined at the end of the second by the altos, then tenors in bar 3 and finally sopranos in bar 4. In the original score you can see that there are what I think are semibreve rests that "placemark" in the soprano score.
P.235 of the notation manual states "A staff is considered empty when it contains only multi-measure rests, rests, skips, or a combination of these elements." I suppose by this benchmark the soprano staff is empty and is not being displayed? I note Keep_alive_together_engraver but that doesn't seem to do what I want.
\version "2.24.1"
\header {
title = "A Test"
composer = "A Composer"
SopranoMusic = \relative {
\key fis \minor
r1 |
r1 fis'4
SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { }
AltoMusic = \relative {
\key fis \minor
r1 |
r1. fis'4
AltoLyrics = \lyricmode { Oh | }
TenorMusic = \relative { a4 a a a }
TenorLyrics = \lyricmode { Te -- nor ly -- rics }
BassMusic = \relative {
\clef "bass"
\key fis \minor
\time 4/4
g16 g g g g16 r16 g16 g g16 g g8 r4 |
g16 g g g g16 r16 g16 g g16 g g8 r4 |
BassLyrics = \lyricmode {
Let16 the riv16-er run16 let16 the riv16-er16 run8 |
Let16 the riv16-er run16 let16 the riv16-er16 run8
\include ""
How can I keep the soprano part displayed when it contains only rests?
Out of interest, is there a way to use "4/4" instead of the "big C" as the time signature?
Is there a straightforward want to shorten the stem of notes? I can see that in the original score the stems for the bass part extend down two notes whereas in my score they go down to the bottom of the stave.
Why is the natural symbol appearing before the first note of the bass part, and can I suppress it?
I'm also grappling with lyric alignment but that may be better dealt with separately. Some of the problems I face are likely caused by my lack of understanding of musical notation as well as my lack of familiarity with Lilypond, so any suggestions or pointers on either would be much appreciated!