I want to mark notes with fingerings where the finger number has a bow below or above.
First, I am creating the bows:
upper-bow =
(M 0 0)
(C 0.6 0.2 1.4 0.2 2 0)
lower-bow =
(M 2 0)
(C 1.4 -0.2 0.6 -0.2 0 0)
bam-fingering = \markup {
\path #.2 \upper-bow
sefid-fingering = \markup {
\path #.2 \lower-bow
And then I use it in a fingering using \finger
\sectionLabel "test"
\time 2/4
\relative c'' {
d4\finger \markup{2 \bam-fingering}
d4\finger \markup{2 \sefid-fingering}
This is the result:
I need the bows to be exactly above or below the number, not besides it. I tried different things like \combine
but that didn't help.