I used to connect my guitar on my PC using a Rocksmith cable, and would use Guitar Rig 5 as my amp simulator. I recently bought an Audio Interface (Behringer U-PHORIA UMC204HD) and I'm impressed that it greatly reduced the latency of what I hear on my headset. However, my headset is USB, so I cannot connect it directly to the UMC204HD. I need to connect it to the PC and use ASIO4ALL to use the audio interface as the input device and my headset as the output device.
This works, but there is the downside that, when Guitar Rig 5 is running, I can only hear it on my headset and nothing else.
Is there a way to hear the output of the guitar and also hear the other applications running on the PC at the same time? If so, would it increase my latency too much?
I'm new to all of this, so please let me know if I hadn't provided enough information on my question.
Edit: I've managed to make it work by using a virtual cable, setting the audio interface output as the input of the cable and my headset as the output. The problem with this approach is that it increases the latency A LOT, so it really disrupts my playing (especially fast licks).