Note that the "circle" of fifths is schematically a polygon (dodecagon), in which we can model the keys (or pitches) as vertices, and the relationships between them as edges. (Whether the edges are straight or curved doesn't matter.) I'm assuming enharmonic equivalence, without which no cyclical model makes sense.
So to extend this to another dimension, mapping key relationships onto a sphere would schematically mean mapping onto a polyhedron, in which vertices represent keys and edges represent relationships. The OP mentioned a tetrahedron, which would be an example of this.
In order to represent all 12 enharmonic pitches, you would want a polyhedron with 12 vertices. And you would want the vertices to be symmetric to each other; e.g. every vertex should have the same number of edges. (It wouldn't make sense for some keys to have more relationships than others.)
This basically gives you Platonic solids, Archimedean solids, prisms, and antiprisms.
Of the first two, only the icosahedron, truncated tetrahedron, and cuboctahedron have 12 vertices. The vertices of these polyhedra each have 5, 3, or 4 edges respectively. So if you want each key to have a relationship to 4 other keys, you might try a cuboctahedron.
In a prism, each vertex has 3 edges, and in an antiprism, 4. Imagine an antiprism in which the top is a ring of 6 vertices: A - B - C# - D# - F - G - A. The bottom is a ring of the other six keys: D - E - F# - G# - A# - C - D. Each top note is connected to two bottom notes that are a 5th away from it, sort of like this:
| / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \| /
(showing A and D twice to illustrate where they connect on both sides).
Does this give any new insights? Well, it illustrates the "closeness" of whole steps, in addition to the relationship of 5ths. You could choose other relationships instead.
For example, if each horizontal ring is a cycle of minor 3rds (A--C--Eb--Gb--), then you need 3 such rings:
But then if you still want to connect the rings to each other in a cyclical way, you can no longer use a prism or antiprism, which only allow 2 rings. To connect a grid cyclically in two different dimensions, you need a torus.
So, as a couple of people have said, you could wrap your grid around a torus. If you do that, your grid could be basically like the Tonnetz. Or you could emphasize different relationships/intervals. But it's hard to imagine how you would improve on the Tonnetz.