I have retrognathism -- basically, my mandible is a bit "behind" so that my bite doesn't close very well, and so I am a bit toothy. When I was a kid, I wanted to play the trumpet but I was told by the music teacher that I couldn't because I was toothy and that would get in the way.
So, I was stuck with the recorder for a while, and then I went on to learn to play the keyboard and then the guitar.
Lately, I've been thinking they might be wrong and that maybe I could play the trumpet despite my mandible issues. I already have a grasp of basic music theory, so I could concentrate more on the physical part.
So, what limitations are there for a person to play the trumpet? What kind of difficulty I might expect when blowing a trumpet in my condition and is there something I could do to alleviate it (say, maybe using a different mouthpiece)?