OK, similar questions may have been asked over and over again, but I would like to know how much time it takes to learn the piano. I am almost 34 (male), and have never taken any piano lessons before and I almost forgot everything I learned from music classes in my elementary school through high school.
I am not interested in playing classical or jazz, and I do not want to be a musician. I just want to play some popular songs I like for my own amusement. For example, these are the songs I would like to play.
I did some Google search and the first article told me that to learn to play the piano, I have to practice 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the next 15 years. The article said not to worry because if even one starts at one's 40, one would be fluent at 55, and could enjoy 20 or more years of one's life playing the piano.
I do not know what level of fluency that estimation targets. Can I actually be fluent in piano in some years on my age?