Here are some excerpts and links I hope you find useful. If you follow the links to each website you will find more information and details there.
Jessica Hendricks from writes that dairy products (yogurt, cheese, butter etc.) should be avoided because they "....increase phlegm production in your throat. The extra mucous makes it difficult for to produce a consistently clear tone, as you’ll be spending most of your time clearing your throat or worrying that you will have to. While you don’t need to avoid all dairy products, consuming them right before a performance, or on a regular basis, isn’t recommended."
Natalie Smith from suggests eating foods rich in Vitamin E, which supports the function of cells in the lungs - "Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, and fruits such as avocados and mangoes, are good sources of vitamin E. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin E for men and women is 15 mg, which would be difficult to maintain through servings of fruits and vegetables alone. Nuts, seeds and oils are the best sources of vitamin E."
Guy Babusek from advises to eat a meal balanced in protein, complex starchy carbs, and fruits and vegetables about 2 hours before a performance. He continues: "....(citrus fruits however seem to cause mucous or dryness in some singers). Make sure to never stuff yourself, especially before a performance. Some foods and beverages to avoid prior to singing are mucous producing foods such as dairy, stimulants such as caffeine and spicy foods, soft drinks, refined sugars, chocolate, iced drinks and alcohol (including wine and beer). Be aware also of any foods which you may be sensitive to or allergic to prior to singing (for example, some singers have trouble with citrus fruits, wheat, nuts, shellfish or soy)."
Caitlin Vincent ( wrote an interesting article in which she challenges several popular assumptions about food and singing, including the harmfulness of dairy and caffeine. Here's what she has to say about caffeine:
"Unfortunately for the anti-Starbucks crowd, caffeinated beverages are not a cause of dehydration. For a person who drinks coffee or tea regularly, 8 ounces of coffee/tea will provide approximately the same amount of hydration as 8 ounces of water. At the same time, caffeine is still a diuretic, which means that a person will lose water more quickly than if they were drinking something else. However, according to a 1999 study on the effect of caffeine on vocal folds, caffeine can have a negative impact on a singer’s vocal quality, but the effects vary greatly from person to person."
Elizabeth Layman on advises against eating bacon because its high salt content is drying.
I would add that since everyone's body is different you should take note from now on how your voice and throat feel after consuming different foods and beverages. Good luck!