In the following, lines 2-6 have the same notes, yet the bar lines in the middle are not aligned. Is there a way to get them to align? Also, is there a way to extend the bar lines to the lyrics (here generated automatically using NoteNames context)
\version "2.18.2" musicA = {c d e f g a b c c b a g f e d c c d e f c d e f c d e f g a b c c b a g c b a g c b a g f e d c} fooBar = { s1 \bar "!" s2 \bar "!" s2 \bar "||" } \score { \new Staff { \compoundMeter #'((4 4) (2 4) (2 4)) \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(4 2 2 ) << \new Voice { \relative c' {\easyHeadsOn \musicA \musicA} } \context NoteNames { \musicA } \new Voice = "theBarLines" { \repeat unfold 6 {\repeat unfold 2 \fooBar \bar "|." }} \new Voice = "breaks" {\repeat unfold 5 {s2*8 \break}} >> }}