I've been playing bass for almost 15 years, I have a great memory to remember songs, I can remember songs that I learned years ago and still play them quite accurately.
Now I got myself a guitar(couple of months ago) and somehow I can't remember the song's chords without having to look for them while playing it. With the chords I can play just fine, without it I can barely remember one or two songs that are more catchy;
I wonder, why it's so hard for me to remember songs for the guitar?
Some possible answers is that for the bass the song is more like patterns and riffs rather than chords, so it's more unique and after you the get first notes it's easy to get the other because of muscle memory, while in the guitar I'm playing mostly pop-rock (Beatles, Oasis,...) songs with very common chords (majors, minors and 7ths), which get quite repetitive, I was baffled by the amount of songs that use only G, C, D, Em.
I know this isn't just because I'm new to playing guitar, because a while back I started playing violin and it was as easy to remember as bass songs, most of the time didn't even used the music score, I just played by memory.
So, why do you think it might be hard for me to remember chords in the guitar? Have you had this experience? And above all, how can I improve?
Thanks everyone for the answers, it was hard too chose a answer because all of you gave fine ideas. I choose @muffin answers because it's a method that I already know that works, I just haven't thought using it with chords.