Commercial songwriters who are writing for a particular target market, tend to use a trusted formula to produce songs that are very similar to what their target audience is buying. There is a chance that the target audience is buying a certain formula, because it is being force fed to them by the media outlets that have the deep pockets to get the "airtime".
That is one reason we keep hearing the same chord progressions in the same type music, song after song. Another reason is that there may actually be a reason that certain chord progressions work. See this explanation for example Why are 4 chord songs so popular
But one of the best reasons to write music, is for your own enjoyment and to share with your friends and family. For this - there is no reason to follow any particular prescribed formula, just because it has proven successful in terms of the number of popular songs based upon that formula. The songs you write because YOU want to write them, should be a reflection of who you are and what is in your heart and soul. Not a reflection of how well you can follow the "rules and formulas".
Many great composers were more appreciated long after they were gone than when they were still living - so even if you are composing music that nobody other than you seems to like today (perhaps they have not been conditioned to like it yet), who's to say that 100 years from now, you will be known as the father of modern music. Maybe your ideas can become revolutionary.
You can certainly read about theory, and why you should or should not do this or that or stick to a certain formula or learn the so called "rules" before you try to break them.
But I believe you should embrace your ability to create music outside the norm. Make no attempt to squelch this ability by trying to fit in box or conform to certain ideas, concepts or principles. You might be just beginning to discover the musical genius that has been locked up in your brain since your were very young. Don't stifle it. Don't twist it. Don't kill it by trying to follow what someone else "thinks" you "should" do. Let it flourish. See what happens.
If you like what you end up creating, by embracing your unique way of arranging your music, then don't let anyone tell you what you composed is wrong or too deviant from the "norm". Maybe your music can become the new norm.
I am actually quite envious of your apparent creative proclivity to compose based on what you feel and hear in your heart, and your willingness to try interesting musical ideas that come to you - as opposed to following a certain formula.
I started writing the easy way, followed the simple tried and true formula. Now I am seeking devices on Music and Theory; Stack Exchanged, to try to break free from the composing rut I fell into by following the simple route and sticking to the rules. I became conditioned to following these formulas - much the same way you develop muscle memory by practicing certain pieces of music on your instrument.
Go with the flow. Don't force anything one way or another. See where your unique and individual creative juices lead in the absence of external influence (other peoples ideas). If you are not happy with the end result, Keep tweaking until you get something you are happy with. If all else fails, take some of what your creative mind produced organically - that you do like, and use the rules and formulas to mold the rest of the song into something more typical or more traditional.
But please don't be trying to fix it if it ain't broke. What is coming from within your untrained (read un-tainted) musical mind, may one day be recognized as nothing short of brilliant!