Find some musical blogs. Here is one that is primarily about Boston-area live performances, but you can always find opinions on many composers: This site is very strongly art for art's sake rather than about the business of music.
I don't know if Musical America is still around. The web site ( is not responding to me. If it is, this is the place to look for news on the business of classical music, i.e. whose music is getting performed where.
I have a couple of Facebook friends who are always posting links to contemporary composers, famous and obscure. Start your own Facebook page and post your own links to videos and recordings that you like, and before long you'll be noticed, and others who do the same will "friend" you.
The place to find classical-style composers whose music is heard and loved, though not necessarily innovating, and who are highly-regarded in the sense that they can always be counted on to deliver the goods, is in the video-game and movie industries -- not just here but also in Europe, Japan, China and India.