I'm trying to find some good places to start an electric guitar solo for the song Cosmic Girl by Jamiroquai . The solo will go over the verse progression.
The verse progression seems to be some sort of II V I. I'm guessing a minor 2-5 in Em. However the chords don't fit into any key I recognize. The Chords are Em7, F#m7, B7#5 (just for reference the chorus goes G#m7, F#m7, B7, C#m7)
My problem is that in Em the chords would be : i(minor) ii(diminished) v(minor) And this clearly isn't right as we have a minor F# instead of a diminished, and a B7 instead of a Bm7.
So what about E Dorian? That would give us i(minor), ii(minor) v(minor), and yet again v is B7#5 not Bm7
Is this actually in E Major, but just with the I chord made minor? If so, how does this work!? Can anyone give me some advise as to how I can construct a solo over this?
Of course I can just play arpeggio shapes, but my brain won't sleep until I know what key this piece is in, and why!?