Given a construct of intervals as follows:

1,#2,3,4,5,6,b7 (Dominant #2 first position)

For the purpose of general notation, as the #2 is equivalent to a b3 and the 3rd is still present, would this be classified as a major key with the raised second as the accidental since attempting to classify it as a minor would leave you without the second interval? As I understand it, your general key is derived by the root triad at the first tone. However if you have both 3rds present, is it a matter of first 3rd reached in the interval stack that determines key?

Given that I would assume a Dorian b4 is minor even though the b4 falls upon the major interval and using it in any other way effectively negates the 4th.


Would the same logic apply for 8 tone Spanish?


Am I incorrect in these assumptions?

1 Answer 1


When talking about what composes of a scale, letter name and interval matter. In your first example although the enharmonic equivalent of #2 is a b3, you would not look at it that way in the context of a scale.

If you built the scale off C you would get:

C  D#  E  F  G  A  Bb

Again while D# and Eb are enharmonic equivalents the fact that you are using the D# as the basis of the scale means that you would not think of it as a 3rd of C hence the only third in this would be E.

Same goes for your second example which built on C would be:

C  D  Eb  Fb  G  A  Bb

While Fb and E are enharmonic equivalents the fact that you are using the Fb as the basis of the scale means that you would not think of it as a 3rd of C hence the only third in this scale would be Eb.

The last is a little more complicated. Since we are trying to fit 8 notes into a scale when we typically have 7 there will end up being one note that can be viewed as just a chromatic passing tone in the scale construction. Let's look at the last scale built in C:

C  Db  Eb E  F  Gb  Ab  Bb

You can see in the Eb, E, F the E is sandwiched inbetween. This means that in most cases it will be more of a passing tone than anything else thus the minor third will be more prevalent.

  • Dom, thank you. Just to flip the script slightly and apply this to a minor key to see if I am approaching this correctly... With an Alt @5 bb7 construct of 1,b2,b3,b4,5,b6,bb7. That is minor as b4 becoming the enharmonic of 3 is 'intent' to modify the 4th where if I stated 1,b2,b3,3,5,b6,bb7 (odd I know, just trying to come up with an example) then I was really going for a major key, dropping the 4th, and adding a passing tone in the use of b3. Correct?
    – ceearrtee
    Oct 25, 2015 at 21:36
  • @ceearrtee not quite as the big difference is you only have 7 notes. The chromatic aspect only applies when there are more than 7 notes. It would sill be viewed as a b4 because you don't have a fourth.
    – Dom
    Oct 25, 2015 at 22:03

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