I had a question regarding the cryptogram of Schoenberg's famous hexachord. The Schoenberg hexachord has a pitch class set of (012569) and a vector of <3,1,3,4,3,1>. In other words, the notes are C D-flat D-natural F G-flat A. How does this decipher into spelling out the anagram "A. SCHBEG" for "A. SCHoenBErG"? I roughly know how the French and German cryptograms are done. In German, all letters of notes are equal to letters in the alphabet except for B-natural is H. B-flat is B. I also know that E-flat is Es (S).
Knowing this, I still can't figure how to decipher this cryptogram. Lastly, The complement of this hexachord is supposedly C D-flat E-flat E-natural G A-flat. Why is this so? I thought complements were pitch class sets that filled in the remaining notes of the twelve tone scale that the previous pitch class set did not include. This doesn't seem to be the case here, though.