I'm an amateur guitarist, I like jazz and I decided to try to learn the basics from the beginning (self-teaching at the moment). I started reading Mickey Backer's "Complete Course in Jazz Guitar" method, but suddenly stopped at Lesson #1 !
I found this Amin7 right hand fingering:
which looks quite un-natural (I must rotate my left hand and shift up the thumb too much to properly "bar" the 4 strings).
I usually play it in this way:
Other chords in the first chart of the method look weird as well, so I got another method: Jody Fisher's "Beginning Jazz Guitar", but surprisingly there is no left fingers notations at all on chords charts ?
Should I struggle with the weird fingerings suggested in the Mickey Backer's book until I find them natural ?
Where can I find other "valid" chord fingerings (if any) ?
Why a (very) popular method like the Jody Fisher's book, doesn't provide any left-hand chord fingerings advice ?
What are your suggestions?